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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-02-11   来源:风电叶片   作者:海上风电   浏览次数:77
核心提示:在丹麦的安霍尔特海上风电场,一个包含三个叶片和轮毂的叶轮从主机脱离并坠入大海。目前还没有人受伤。相关事件已被通知给有关当局。At Anholt Offshore Wind Farm in Denmark, a rotor including three blades has separated from the nacelle of one of the offshore wind turbines and fallen into the sea. No one has been injured. The


At Anholt Offshore Wind Farm in Denmark, a rotor including three blades has separated from the nacelle of one of the offshore wind turbines and fallen into the sea. No one has been injured. The relevant authorities have been notified about the incident.我们正在调查事故的原因,作为一项特别的预防措施,我们正在要求相关当局在所有使用安霍尔特事故中同类型风机(即西门子歌美飒3.6MW-4MW风机)的海上风电场设立“禁航区”。
We are investigating the cause of the incident, and as an extraordinary precautionary measure, we are requesting the relevant authorities to establish ‘no-sail zones’ at all of our offshore wind farms that use the same turbine as at Anholt, namely a Siemens-Gamesa 3.6 MW - 4 MW wind turbine.西门子歌美飒14MW海上风电机组到目前为止,调查还没有找出这起事故的系统性原因,但我们已经采取了这一预防措施,因为安全是我们的首要任务。
So far, the investigation has not pointed to a systemic cause of the issue, but we have taken this precautionary step as safety is our first priority. The assets continue to operate as normal with the relevant safety protocols, and customers in the relevant markets will not be affected. 安霍尔特海上风电场于2013年投入使用,由111台西门子-歌美飒3.6兆瓦的风力发电机组成。
Anholt Offshore Wind Farm was commissioned in 2013 and consists of 111 Siemens-Gamesa 3.6 MW wind turbines. The project was completed in 2013 and provides enough electricity for about 400,000 Danish households.Despite the issue with the one turbine, the rest of the wind park is operating normally.该公司请求英国、丹麦和德国的海事当局防止船进入他们八个海上风电场阵列范围内:英国的West of Duddon Sands, Lincs, Gunfleet Sands, Burbo Bank 和 Walney 1 & 2; 德国的Borkum Riffgrund 1 ; 以及丹麦的Avedøre Holme。
The company asked maritime authorities in the United Kingdom, Denmark and Germany to keep vessels clear of eight other turbine arrays in their waters: West of Duddon Sands, Lincs, Gunfleet Sands, Burbo Bank and Walney 1 & 2, all in the UK; Borkum Riffgrund 1 in Germany; and Avedøre Holme in Denmark.安霍尔特位于丹麦和瑞典之间的卡特加特海峡,Ørsted持有50%的股份,丹麦养老基金同Pension Denmark共同持有30%,PKA持有20%。
Situated in the Kattegat strait between Denmark and Sweden, Anholt is 50 percent owned by Ørsted along with Danish pension fund partners Pension Danmark with 30 percent and PKA holding 20 percent.风力发电机倒塌并不是闻所未闻,尽管很少见。
去年年底,一个Nordex SE风机在德国的一个风电场倒塌。
It’s not unheard of for wind turbines to fall over, though it is rare. A giant machine from Vestas Wind Systems A/S toppled over in Sweden in late 2020. Late last year, a Nordex SE turbine collapsed at a wind park in Germany. 同样还有2020年6月12日德国西部城市阿尔滕贝格一处风场也发生过类似的事故,一台风力发电的叶片连同轮毂从70米处的机舱脱落后坠入附近地面。
出事风机型号为NEG Micon 60/1000,是一款在德国广泛使用的风力发电机。
主机厂家NEG Micon原是一家丹麦公司,1997年开始运营,2004年被风电整机巨头Vestas兼并。
今年的1月2日,美国风电机组供应商GE(通用电气)在德国Burgerwind Gronau Epe风电场也发生了事故,风机叶片折弯,打碎的碎片散落在风机周围。
Shares of Siemens Gamesa fell by as much as 8.1%, the most in a month based on intraday trading, although shares had already declined 4% before the announcement of the incident. Siemens Gamesa said it is investigating the malfunction.欧洲市场是中国风电机组供应商一直难以进入的一个市场,基本都被欧美机组供应商所盘踞,但是近期一系列的事故也可以说是预示着国际风电行业市场西方垄断的局面开始扭转。

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